what is
Network Settings Checkup
Server Availability Test
WiFi Networks Scanner
Intuitive User Interface

- Detect packet losses with Ping
- View the full route to the destination with Traceroute
- Fast and accurate DNS resolve
- Simple TCP client
- Check the system routes with Network Routes
- View details of your system network with Interfaces list


Server Check
- Add any custom domain for HTTP(S) availability check
- Gives additional information on whether domain name can't be resolved or does not answer via HTTP protocol

WiFi Devices List
- Shows a list of all WiFi neighbor devices with their respective IP and MAC addresses
- Shows NetBIOS/Bonjour names of devices
- Allows ping/traceroute of the found devices to check connectivity

- Allows you to detect a packet loss and network problems
- Configurable timeout, delay, packet size, packet count

- Shows the full route from your device to the destination server
- Gives you all the stats on intermediate network hops

DNS Resolve
- You can use system configured DNS servers or choose from the list of pre-defined ones
- Fast and accurate data with copiable results
- Supports both IPv4 (A) and IPv6 (AAAA) field types
- Additional advanced field type responses are provided: MX, NS, SOA, SRV, TXT

TCP Client
- Connect to any plain-text that supports a TCP server
- Supports HTTP, SMTP, POP3, Telnet protocols
- Good for students researching network protocols

Network Routes
- Shows system routes on your device
- Similar to "route" utility from your Mac, especially useful for developers

Network Interfaces
- Shows all system network interfaces along with associated addresses
- Similar to "ifconfig" utility from your Mac