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Task Filters and Sorting

Task filtering and sorting features help you never get lost in the abundance of tasks and ongoing projects. Filter and sort tasks by assignees, Key Results, due dates, etc., effectively manage your projects and reach all business objectives!

Efficiently manage tasks with KeepSolid Goals

Filter and sort tasks, conveniently work on your projects, and never miss anything important with Goals

What is Task Filtering and Sorting

This feature makes it easy to search for specific types of tasks and see the task distribution by a number of parameters. With task filtering and sorting, you can present the information about your team’s work in the way that makes the most sense for your current needs, and helps get the message across exactly how you need it.

Filter and Sort Tasks on the Worksheet Tab


See who in the team is responsible for accomplishing the task, or find all tasks assigned to a particular employee. For this, click on the  button on the Worksheet tab and choose the assignees whose tasks you want to see. Here, you also have an option to display your tasks only. The same filter is also available on the Kanban and Timeline tabs.

Key Results

By clicking on the button next to the Assignees filter, you can filter the tasks by Key Results. Select the Key Result you need and see all its tasks, assignees, tasks status, etc. You can also use this filter on the Kanban and Timeline tabs.


This filter sorts tasks by their current state: whether they’re in backlog, active, or completed. 


This filter is extremely useful when you need to quickly find the most important tasks among dozens of daily routine activities, or identify lingering, low-priority work.

Due Date

Sorting tasks by due dates, you can figure out what should be completed first and whether your team stays within the schedule. 

Days Left

Similarly to sorting tasks by Due Date, the option Days Left helps you monitor the deadlines. It sorts tasks by the number of days left till their planned completion. 


On the Worksheet tab of the KeepSolid Goals app, you can also monitor tasks by budget, using the Planned Budget and Actual Budget columns. 

Budget Gap

You may not always stay within the planned budget due to a variety of factors. Analyze the budget gap of the entire project, checking out which tasks are the reason for the gap.

Filter and sort tasks and get more control over your project

Make your task management more efficient and keep your project under control with KeepSolid Goals

How to Filter Tasks in KeepSolid Goals

Filtering and sorting tasks in the Goals app is possible via a number of tabs. We’ve taken the Worksheet tab as an example:

Benefits of Filtering and Sorting Tasks

See your tasks only

Filtering and sorting tasks let you organize your project in a way that helps to focus on what’s most important for you right now and needs to get done. For example, there is a large project with numerous participants. Due to filters, you can choose the relevant settings and see only the tasks that were assigned to you, rather than all members of the team. 

Better analyze data

When you filter tasks, only rows that meet the filter criteria are displayed. This lets you easily extract and analyze the data you need, without distractions on the information that is not necessary at the moment.

Keep track of the deadlines

The Worksheet tab lets you sort tasks by the due date or the number of days left till the deadline and see if your team is keeping to the schedule.

Monitor each Key Result

Key Results are the steps that lead to the achievement of your main Objective. Filter your project by Key Results to check their progress, see if everything is going as planned, or any corrections are required. 

What Makes KeepSolid Goals the Best App to Manage Tasks

Visualize your objectives and tasks 

KeepSolid Goals neatly visualizes your tasks and the entire Objective, so that you can always have the big picture view of your project. You can see your tasks visualized in a variety of ways on the following tabs: Objective Map, Worksheet, and Kanban.


Intuitive interface

We believe that managing tasks and projects should be simple and intuitive. KeepSolid Goals was created with simplicity in mind. It features an intuitive interface, a clear onboarding so that all employees can quickly learn how to use the app, check and filter tasks, and much more. 


24/7 customer support

Though KeepSolid Goals is an incredibly user-friendly and easy app, even for novices, you may have some questions or require some assistance from time to time. Our customer service is at your disposal 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, so if you have any troubles creating, assigning, managing, filtering, or sorting your tasks or other items, don't hesitate to contact us any time. We'll be glad to help!



KeepSolid Goals makes it easy to track tasks and the overall project, letting you easily understand how your team is progressing towards the Objective set. Besides Worksheet and Kanban tabs, you can monitor progress with Reports. On the Reports tab, you can see how many tasks are finished, overdue, etc., filter the data by date and assignees, see the Burn Up Chart, and the Total Objective Score. 

Efficiently manage tasks due to filtering and sorting

Filter and sort tasks in KeepSolid Goals, get more organized, and reach all your objectives!

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