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Meet Goals by KeepSolid (Beta) - Newest Platform for Achieving your Objectives

Three red darts pinned right on the center of target - that's how you meet goals!

Lo and behold! Goals by KeepSolid - your friendly helper in meeting your goals - is finally available to public beta. How does it aid businesses achieve their objectives? Who is it for? Why should you entrust your goals to this new product by KeepSolid? Read on and find out!


The Story of How Goals by KeepSolid Came to Be


The idea of a platform like Goals has been maturing in the heads of the KeepSolid team for quite some time. KeepSolid has a rich experience in developing digital solutions for all sorts of needs - from corporate productivity and planning to personal anonymity and security online.

When we felt like we amassed enough knowledge and competence, we commenced the work on a new project that eventually became Goals. In it, we’ve implemented our best practices and our understanding of the clients’ needs and pains.


What Problems does Goals by KeepSolid Solve


With Goals, we wanted to create an objective-oriented platform for project managers, business owners, and any corporate specialists engaged in setting and achieving goals. What’s wrong with existing planning and project management tools, one might ask. Well, we at KeepSolid have arrived at the conclusion that other solutions often don’t take into consideration the existence of the VUCA world.

VUCA world concept on screen - volatility, uncertainty, complexity, ambiguity

VUCA stands for Vulnerability, Uncertainty, Complexity, and Ambiguity. This concept precisely describes the environment in which modern businesses have to operate. In the VUCA world, many of old-school planning and management methods no longer work like they used to. Nowadays, succeeding takes a dedicated, goal-oriented solution that allows for surgically precise project planning, as well as flexible and dynamic collaboration.


How will Goals by KeepSolid help you survive in VUCA


  • Your organization’s activities will be tied to concrete global goals
  • Goal-oriented KPIs will be established to ensure that your business is moving in the right direction
  • Any rescheduling issues will be fixed and a change management system will be established
  • You will be able to control and monitor all the projects within a single page in Goals 


What Are the Prominent Features of Goals by KeepSolid


  • Our objective-oriented platform grants you full control over every aspect of project development:
    • Goals
    • Tasks
    • Plans
    • Sprints
    • Change management
    • Execs
  • Team members stats
  • Goals management (MBO)
  • Sprint management
  • Change management
  • Kanban system
  • Resource workload monitoring (coming soon)
  • Retrospectives (coming soon)
  • Goals roadmapping (coming soon)


How to Use Goals by KeepSolid to Meet your Objectives


 Meet goals with Goals by KeepSolid! Objective-oriented platform for project management and business

  1. Set a goal. It must be clearly defined and measurable (for the latter, use KPIs)
  2. Build a mind map. Visualize the goal as a mind map in the respective menu of Goals to clearly see the path to your objectives, and what needs to be done to get there. 
  3. Collaborate with your team. Goals allows you to create and manage teams, assign team members to particular tasks, and monitor their performance and workload.
  4. Set sprints in Kanban. Agile management is, beyond question, the king. Goals facilitates Agile by employing sprints and Kanban boards as best tools for task management.
  5. Track projects status. Goals provides plenty of charts and reports so that a manager or business owner could easily control every step of the project lifecycle. 


Who Needs Goals by KeepSolid


You do! That is, if you’re a project / product manager, business owner, software developer, or marketer. If this is the case, make sure to give Goals by KeepSolid a try. And let us know what you think about Goals in the comments below or by reaching our customer service!


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