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Choosing a Strategic Approach: Prescriptive vs. Descriptive Strategic Management

A businessman staying on crossroads choosing an approach how to develop a strategy
  1. Overview of prescriptive vs. descriptive approaches to strategy formulation 
  2. Prescriptive vs. descriptive approach: core differences of the strategic management process
  3. Henry Mintzberg’s ten schools of thought on strategic management
  4. Whichever strategic planning approach you adopt…
  5. Bottom line on Prescriptive vs. Descriptive Strategic Management

The success of a company is often determined by effective strategic planning and management. This is quite self-explanatory. The strategy has a long-term perspective, it helps you stay on track to your most important goals, which is what makes or breaks your business in the long run.

How to develop a business strategy? What is the right strategic planning process? How to perform effective strategic management? The answers to these questions may be tricky. Especially seeing how wildly the strategic approaches vary. Practitioners and scholars agree there is no one simple or best approach to formulating strategy. 

How should a business do its strategy development then? What practices to apply? The best way to go would be to consider possible options and choose the course of action that suits your business most. KeepSolid Goals team is here to help you figure this out! 
