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Key steps to win against the procrastination monkey

As this uncertain 2020  year comes to an end, entrepreneurs and the others are risking to feel let down by their inaction at the beginning of 2021. Undoubtedly all of us are familiar with our procrastination monkey, who enacts us from the real activity and pushes us to watch a bunch of YouTube videos on how to set goals and improve our efficiency.

There are many reasons for meeting with this creature, but there are always available steps to resist it and put a stable system to be successful. Here we would like to provide some crucial steps you can take to ensure the odds of accomplishing your goals. The world's leading business and personal coaches agree unanimously that writing goals down are essential to ANY goal’s success. 

Dr. Gail Matthews, psychology professor, who ran the Dominican University of California study,  stated: “My study provides empirical evidence for the effectiveness of three coaching tools: accountability, commitment, and writing down one’s goals.” She made one fascinating investigation about rules that help to achieve goals. Under her experiment were 267 people from varying backgrounds.  All of them used three key actions: writing goals, committing to goal-directed actions, and lastly, creating accountability for those actions for achieving their objectives. People were broken into five groups, depending on which these key actions they would use. The best results showed the group five that used all key actions to reach the goals: they wrote, committed to goal-directed actions, and created accountability for those actions for achieving their objectives. All of these people identified as either having accomplished their goals or getting at least halfway there. Results grew from a 43 percent success rate in group one (who kept their goals only in mind) and escalated to 76 percent of those in group five.


KEY 1 Writing. 

So why does writing your goals help? 

Writing things down happens on two levels: external storage and encoding. External storage is easy to explain: you’re storing the information contained in your goal in a location (e.g., a piece of paper) that is very easy to access and review at any time. It is not rocket science to know you will remember something much better if you have a visual cue (aka reminder) before your eyes.  But there’s another deeper phenomenon happening: encoding. Encoding is the biological process by which our idea travels to our brain’s hippocampus. Only after that, your brain will be ready to see all available information around you which could help with your targets. Your brain gets a superpower to find the opportunities and all possible ways to achieve what you want. Everything you need is near you, but your eyes should be wide open to see it. 

KEY 2 Decompose your Objective into Key Results of various sublevels and tasks.

“There is only one way to eat an elephant: a bite at a time.” 

Even the biggest of the objects can be broken down into small atoms. Once you have set your goal, start breaking it down into small pieces. For example, if you are building a retirement corpus, find out how much you’ll need to invest yearly, monthly, or even weekly to reach your goal in the desired time frame. Periodically measure how close you are to your goal, and each time you reach a milestone, celebrate it. Achieving a massive goal will take time, and enjoying the small wins will keep you motivated to take your next bite. No matter how big the goal, if you can set it, put a timer, and start working on it, you can eventually achieve it.

KEY 3 Accountability.

“When performance is measured, performance improves. When performance is measured and reported, the rate of improvement accelerates.” — Thomas S. Monson. The American Society of Training and Development (ASTD) studied accountability and found that you have 65% of completing a goal if you commit to someone. And if you have a specific accountability appointment with a person you’ve committed to, you will increase your chance to reach success. Build an accountability plan into your next big goal, and see the difference it makes. If you want to improve your chances of success, use the power of accountability. To get this key step, you can choose somebody who matters to you and tell them what your goal is and why you must achieve it. Or blog about your most important goal and share your progress with your audience. When you make your goals public, you receive a combination of responses you can use to fuel your desire to succeed. Despite this, it’s very important to take time to regularly review the goals you’re holding yourself accountable for. To get to the top, you have to check your overall progress regularly. Just be honest with yourself and see at what exact point you are and what you have to do to improve your progress. It is very convenient to have it in a map type scheme at your hand. 

Goals by KeepSolid is leading goal-oriented management software.

Within a single platform, you can set your goal, build mind maps, break down goals into tasks, assign tasks to team members, complete tasks using Sprint & Kanban boards, control progress with Charts Reports. So, reaching goals would become real and simple with it.

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