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Goals by KeepSolid COVID-19 Response: Cutting Price, Free for Education!

The number of people working remotely has surged dramatically due to the rapid spread of COVID-19. Some of them are forced to do so, while others have consciously decided to self-isolate. 

Quick recap of the COVID-19 developments so far

Goals by KeepSolid, like many other software products that facilitate asynchronous communication and teleworking, has seen a dramatic increase in usage lately. We’re seeing the most notable user growth where businesses are asking employees to work from home, in-person events are canceled, and schools are closing.

It has certainly been a tough couple weeks for both those staying at home and those who have to get to their offices. Most workspaces have gone into quarantine or even lockdown in the wake of the Coronavirus outbreak. Social distancing is the new hottest topic. Whole businesses worldwide are pushed into remote work and now have to tackle new challenges.

KeepSolid has been closely observing this situation, considering what actions we can take as COVID-19 continues to spread. Our mission has always been to empower businesses and teams by increasing their productivity, organizing their activities, and helping them stay efficient wherever they are. 

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What we’re changing today to help

Thanks to its features, Goals by KeepSolid app is particularly useful for anyone who has to work remotely. And now, we’ve decided to do even more!

During this challenging time, we all need to be proactive. For teams and individuals who are doing this for the first time, moving from co-located workplaces and classrooms to remote settings is quite a challenge. 

Organizations all across the globe are jumping in to help with the transition to working, teaching, or learning remotely. GSuite announced free Enterprise features until July 1, 2020, while Microsoft Teams announced six-month-long free trials. Goals by KeepSolid being a platform for remote team collaboration, we believe that we, too, can make a difference in this field.

Now through July 1, 2020, we will:

  • Cut the price of the Business Plan in half — what was $8/month/user is now $4/month/user
  • Make Goals by KeepSolid software free for education. If you’re a teacher or a student at a K-12 school, university, or educational institution, using Goals by KeepSolid for class work will be free for you. Contact us on this page.

We realize that these changes may look like a marketing play, but we are truly trying to do what we believe is right, since passive inaction is not what will help us all get through hard times. Please reach out if Goals by KeepSolid can be of any help. Try Goals by KeepSolid for free, and take care of yourself and each other!

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