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Working in Sprints is a great way to complete complicated projects. By dividing your project into smaller and more achievable tasks, you can ensure the quality of the product and deliver it on time.

KeepSolid Goals and Sprints work perfectly together

Develop deliverable product or project increments and see how your Sprints build upon previous ones on your path to reaching your objectives!

What are Sprints in Agile

Sprints are considered the cornerstone of Agile management. That’s because they help businesses satisfy the main condition of the Agile approach - to deliver working products frequently. Sprints also allow you to quickly respond to change instead of stubbornly following a determined plan.


In a nutshell, Sprint is an iterative, time-boxed period when a team is expected to complete a set of tasks and present the results for a review.


Sprint can include any amount of tasks as long as it has concrete deadlines. However, usually, Sprint consists of a small identifying scope of tasks that are all associated with the same Objective or Key Result.

Benefits of Working in Sprints

From abstract to concrete thinking

Running a Sprint on achieving a particular Objective or Key Result means breaking the work down to the smallest pieces, which in turn allows you to think more tangibly. Now structuring ongoing works and navigation between them is easy as 1-2-3.

Visually compelling picture

Thanks to the Sprint feature, you can see the whole picture of your ongoing tasks: their deadlines, the objective these tasks are related to, and responsible team members. Such visualization helps a lot when tracking the progress of work and planning further steps. Also, it allows you to keep your team on schedule: each team member will be able to see all the tasks assigned to them and won’t miss deadlines.

Common ground with stakeholders

Sprints ensure that every team member and stakeholder understands their part in the bigger picture of the project and sees all the relevant context. They facilitate a healthy feedback loop and allow everyone to stay on the same page.

Increased productivity

As was mentioned above, sprinting provides each team member with awareness of the main objective of the ongoing Sprint and gives an understanding of the steps that should be done to complete this Sprint. Thus, team members shouldn’t waste time trying to understand what they should do, they see their tasks and move forward.

What is Optimal Sprint Duration

While the ideal Sprint duration will depend on your team, business, and corporate culture, in general, it should be from 1 week to 1 month long. Shorter Sprints allow PMs to identify problems faster but are sometimes inconvenient. So many businesses lean towards longer Sprints, even though this somewhat contradicts Agile’s ideology of dealing with problems the earliest.

Get started with Sprints to facilitate Agile Project Management

Organize your tasks into stages, set the duration of each stage, and stick to this plan in the future.

How to Plan and Manage Sprints

Sprint planning is usually performed in the form of a meeting. During it, the manager, the team, and any other stakeholders should answer two questions:


  • What work needs to be done in a Sprint?

Using this framework in the KeepSolid Goals app - the best online sprint planning tool - is especially convenient. On the Kanban tab, you will be able to create a new Sprint (if this feature was enabled when initially creating the Objective) and add existing tasks from the Backlog to this Sprint. This will provide you with a clear understanding of what needs to get done.


  • How will this work get done?

As the tasks are getting completed, you will be able to move them between different statuses (To Do, Analysis, In Progress, Review, Done). Monitor your team’s performance and manage the Sprint to see it come to fruition.

Benefits of Agile Project Management

There are 3 significant advantages of agile project management. Here they are:


1. Optimized work process

You needn’t wait until the end of a part of the project if it has no dependencies with other parts that you are going to implement next. Works that don’t have any dependencies can be done in parallel.


2. Only necessary documentation

You need no huge documentation throughout the project with agile management. So you document only the important things such as a plan of tasks implementation or set KPIs for Key Results.


3. No reworks and retrofitting

At the very beginning, your client should describe what product they want to receive and what issues this product should solve. Agile project management implies an iterative approach. It means you have multiple steps of the project and a set of tasks that should be done in these steps. You need to engage with your client at the end of each step to receive feedback and quickly fix wrongs and inaccuracy if need be.

Other Handy Features of KeepSolid Goals

Mind Maps

- Visualize all tasks around a central concept or main Objective of the project - See the whole picture of your project

Backlog Tasks

- Make notes of your ideas and thoughts on what you want to improve in future - Create backlog tasks to continue working towards them in relevant sprints

Kanban Boards

- See which status each task in the current sprint has and plan further tasks according to this - See the progress towards the target daily

Roadmap Planner

- Have a helicopter view of your business - Immediately see all the changes in ongoing tasks and your strategy in general

Boost your projects with KeepSolid Goals right now

A 14-day free trial is a perfect ability to check out Goals features and figure out how exactly its benefits work for objectives and projects.

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