Every day and every hour employees in their companies are working their tails off. The key question is - how effective is their work? To answer this question, you’ll need a universal tool that allows users to plan and manage business activities, evaluate their success, and help make informed decisions - KeepSolid Goals.
We’re striving to create an all-around tool to help users achieve both business and personal goals while minimizing non-productive activities. Oftentimes, increasing the efficiency of your business takes getting rid of useless activities, such as work for the sake of work. These are easy to discern once all your activities are planned and performed with a single global Objective in mind. That’s where the KeepSolid Goals come into play!
KeepSolid Goals provides a workspace where business owners and managers can collaborate on project planning. It ensures that the emerging strategies are grounded and realistic, and are thus more likely to succeed. Also, Goals allows PMs to track important KPIs, establish strict change management, support constant resource improvement, and stay up to speed on the project development.
Control over every aspect of the Project
Here’s how we envision the solution’s future developments:
One of the biggest advantages of the MBO approach and, consequently, of KeepSolid Goals, is flexibility. Our tool can be applied by organizations big and small, in all sorts of business situations. A prominent example of this is the Business Unit North case when the company managed to meet 96% of its Objectives with the EBIT value of $117K.
KeepSolid Goals will also be useful for all sorts of managers:
Organizations often have more than one goal. It’s important, then, to have a clear goal hierarchy, to understand which of them is your main overarching Objective, and which are just Key Results that help you reach the Objective. Your goals should also be SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, Time-bound).
Top management should be involved in motivating employees and directing them towards the accomplishment of objectives. However, this shouldn’t turn into “control by objectives”. Managers should set goals and KPIs, but employees should have a say in how best to achieve them and the specific tasks assigned.
The final step of MBO includes periodic performance review and appraisal. At face value, they should serve for motivating and boosting the morale of employees. But more importantly, they help to reveal any hidden business opportunities and problems. This allows managers to perform course-correction if necessary and to ensure that employees understand what’s expected of them.